Present and Engaged

Present & Engaged - 10.9.23

Let me start by saying that I am not always present and engaged in every moment - and that’s exactly why this is one of my affirmations!

Depending on where I am and what I’m doing, my mind will wander, multi-task, and/or switch into autopilot mode. When that happens, I’m not living in the present moment. It’s not a big deal if it happens once in a while, but when I’m constantly somewhere else, my mind and body become disconnected. And over time, if i don’t reconnect, I begin to lose myself.

To practice mindfulness, I remind myself to be present and engaged in every moment. And when I catch myself wandering, I practice reeling myself back in, kindly. I say “practice” because it is a never-ending effort; my mind will always move in and out of the present moment. And I say “kindly” because the way I treat myself and the way I speak to myself matters. If I want to love myself, I must be loving to myself.

Journaling Prompt:

Being present and engaged in the moment is a practice that requires conscious effort. Just like you, I too have moments where my mind drifts away, and I find myself not fully immersed in what's happening around me. It's in these instances that I recognize the importance of being present.

I invite you to reflect on your own experiences with being present and engaged. Are there specific situations or activities where you tend to be more mindful and fully engaged? What helps you stay in the moment during those times? On the contrary, are there situations or circumstances where you find it challenging to be present? What causes your mind to wander, and how does it make you feel when you're not fully engaged in those moments?

Consider how you practice mindfulness in your daily life. What techniques or strategies do you use to bring yourself back to the present moment when your mind starts to wander? How do you speak to yourself during these moments of self-correction?

Remember, the journey to being present and engaged is ongoing, and it's important to be kind and patient with yourself in this process. Reflect on how your ability to stay present impacts your overall well-being and relationships. In what ways can you further cultivate the practice of presence in your life, and how might this practice enhance your self-love and connection with others?

Share your reflection with Heather:


One Body, One Mind