Ready and Willing

Ready and Willing - 9.23.23

I've always believed that my dreams are the means in which my subconscious communicates with my conscious mind. The messages aren't always straightforward, sometimes they trickle in in absurd or abstract ways.

Naturally, it's up to me to interpret what the messages mean. Sometimes it's not very clear, other times there is no doubt in my mind what was meant to be understood.

This morning I awakened to a clear message: I am letting go of my past, and though the future is uncertain, I am ready & willing to enter the next era of my life 🙏🏼

Journaling Prompt:

Take a moment to reflect on the statement. What does it mean to you? How do you interpret it in the context of your own life?Consider the following questions as you delve into your thoughts:

1. What does "the next era of my life" signify to you? Is it a new chapter, a fresh start, or a significant change on the horizon?

2. Reflect on your readiness and willingness to embrace change and uncertainty. Are there any fears or hesitations holding you back? What steps can you take to overcome them?

3. Imagine the ideal "next era" in your life. What do you hope to achieve, experience, or become during this phase? What goals or aspirations are calling out to you?

Take your time to explore these questions in your journal. Allow your thoughts and feelings to flow freely as you contemplate your readiness for the next phase of your life journey. Remember that self-reflection is a valuable tool for personal growth and self-discovery.

Share your Reflection with Heather:


One Body, One Mind